
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Medical care in China

  In my 8 years in the land of the dragon I've personally seen the quality of care for the Chinese. As a teacher in Shanghai returns, I go to the hospital community (the equivalent of a polyclinic in Singapore) will be in my town for primary care, and will go to the city's hospitals for more serious things. My children went to a local children's hospital in the city when they need medical care

The concept of family doctor or general practitioner (GP), is non-existent. The doctors also see tons of patients every day, and have no chance of building a relationship with visitors, such as polyclinics in Singapore. Not only that, but have the annoying habit of wanting to put in a drip for every little illness, and puts on tons of evidence for every little thing (including a blood test for influenza). Not provided with health insurance by the company, I did not have much choice but at the local level.
My current company gives me health insurance, and so the world of hospitals and clinics open to expatriate myself. Small hospitals, the local community (including the rich Chinese) are using MMG, we got very close. The family doctor, for example, is also a friend. From time to time to put together for drinks. We can communicate in English and most of all, we trust the standard of care and the ethics of physicians
Things get complicated, but if questions about the surgery and more complex. I found myself in first person, if I have a student who has broken his arm in Shanghai United Family Hospital, a few years ago got. The western doctor stated that he saw, he needed surgery, and called the pediatrician the limousine building. He said that foreign doctors not allowed to conduct operations in China, even if allowed to run their hospitals in the nation
And what could be a bad Chinese intervention? A more in my previous school and a teacher in my school have now seen for themselves - filled with pools of blood everywhere hospitals. Another teacher, whose husband was looking for a heart attack admitted to the hospital was even more shocked. She was allowed in the operating room, ungowned. The surgeon wanted to the tools that has seen him, as when he went into use, and they had to they are opened a new package of tools. In the middle of surgery, someone opened the door of the operating room, ungowned, and then went out
Have medical personnel in developed countries, a crisis now suffer the reading of this misconduct. Infection is the number one killer in any form of surgery, but the atmosphere of laissez-faire prevails in Chinese hospitals of a city first and second level in China. And because it is so expensive that insurers are not willing to fly for the treatment of expatriates, the clause stating that patients flown when local institutions are not able to handle it!

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